Sunday 27 January 2013

Smoothies, tinctures, capsules and balms

Today was an interesting day.

I have managed to stay on track (okay so it's still January but I might have wandered off course) and attend the IPEN Placenta Encapsulation Training UK course today.  And I was pleasantly surprised.

Now please don't read that thinking that I was expecting to be shocked and horrified.  The pleasant surprise was the amount of information that I was able to take in, the amazingness of placentas and the dips into placental history.  What an fascinating thing!  I have long loved the placenta and today my love grew.

Four of us met in the home of Lynnea Shrief to learn about encapsulating placentas.  She did a fabulous job of getting a lot of information into us all, talking us through different rituals that involved placentas in cultures around the world.  We looked back in history and saw how the Chinese have always used placentas.  We learnt about the nutrients, placental stem cells and modern uses for placentas.  You should have been there.  So much to learn and so much more to learn.  Lynnea didn't hold back on either the benefits or the contraindications.  

We then spent much of the afternoon playing with placentas.  They had been donated for training purposes.  We were able to see the differences between the raw and steamed placentas.  I found it really relaxing to fill the capsules.  Who knew!  I can see how placental encapsulation is such a powerful thing.  It is an amazing life source and not only does it give life to the baby, but once the baby is born the placenta then nourishes the mother and one of the benefits (for most women) is the increase of in milk production... the baby is fed again.

I confess to having been sceptical about the effects of the placenta on the new mother.  Four clients, independently of each other had their placentas encapsulated and all four reported the same benefits.  My interest in them has simply grown and it is quite a natural progression for me to move into encapsulation. 

So... I am now a Placental Encapsulation Specialist and I am looking forward to seeing the effects of that mighty tree of life on my ladies.

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